About the Journal

Metaverse Basic and Applied Research is an interdisciplinary journal on the areas of Computer Sciences that focuses on fundamental and applied research in the field of metaverses. The journal's focus is on understanding and developing metaverses as virtual spaces in which users can interact, create, and experience in real time. The journal seeks to foster innovative and cutting-edge research that promotes the creation of new technologies and applications for metaverses, as well as critical analysis and theoretical reflection on their impact on society.

The Metaverse Basic and Applied Research journal publishes original paper, reviews and other types of contributions that address a wide variety of topics related to metaverses. Topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Metaverse technologies, such as real-time graphics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, among others.
  • Design of virtual worlds and their environments, including the creation of virtual landscapes, characters, and objects, as well as their animation and sonorization.
  • Interaction in metaverses, including the social, cognitive, and emotional aspects of interaction between users, and interaction between users and virtual worlds.
  • Applications of metaverses in various fields, such as education, entertainment, art, psychology, business, among others.
  • Ethics and policies related to the use of metaverses, including privacy, security, intellectual property, freedom of expression, and social responsibility.
  • Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Augmented Reality Game Design.
  • Social Media, Design and evaluation of innovative social media systems, Information retrieval systems and algorithms on Social Media, Social networks mediated communication.
  • Distributed Systems, Natural Language Processing and Digital Art focused on augmented reality.

The Metaverse Basic and Applied Research journal is aimed at researchers, developers, professionals, and students interested in metaverses and their impact on society. The journal provides a space for discussion and exchange of ideas in an emerging and constantly evolving field.

Visibility and Open Access:
The journal follows an open access model, which maximizes the visibility of published articles.

Frequency of publication:
The journal follows a continuous publication model, where articles after acceptance are typeset and published in a single volume per year. Therefore, the call for submissions is permanently open.

Speed of publication:
The journal manages the following times of the editorial process: 5 days for the first response from the section editor or pass to peer review; 30 to 45 days responses from the editor on the observations of peer reviewers; 20 to 25 days in layout, metadata uploading and publication on the journal's site.
The editorial team combines rigorous peer review with the efficient timing of the editorial process, which is done exclusively in electronic format.

Promotion and dissemination strategy:
The journal develops a strategy to promote and position published articles on social networks and web platforms, which contributes to increase exposure and access to the articles.