STEM Education as a Teaching Method for the Development of XXI Century Competencies




Curriculum, 21st Century Skills, Technology, STEM


This research was carried out at Don Bosco School in the department of Villavicencio, where the contribution of STEM education to the development of competencies and skills of 21st century citizens is observed, studied and evaluated. To this end, a curricular proposal based on interdisciplinarity is presented, applying Project-Based and Problem-Based Learning in the subjects of Science (Physics), Technology, and Mathematics with tenth-grade students. The results show the characterization of the students, the processes of curricular integration in knowledge and soft skills. It can be evidenced that, according to the pedagogical model of the institution, tenth-grade students have a social and humanistic thinking, in the sense that some of them were concerned about the social context and oriented towards solving problems in their environment. After reviewing the curricular planning documents, clear guidelines on the conceptual model of the institution are appreciated. However, it is necessary to diversify the technological component to train competent citizens with a view to a generation immersed in the 21st century.


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How to Cite

Albarracín Vanoy RJ. STEM Education as a Teaching Method for the Development of XXI Century Competencies. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1:21. Available from: