Human-Computer Interaction in Robotics: A bibliometric evaluation using Web of Science




Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction Robotics, Natural Interfaces, Bibliometrics, Web of Science


Introduction: the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is fundamental for the development of robotics, as it enables effective communication between humans and robots. HCI is essential for creating robots that can be used in a variety of environments, from industry to home. Robots designed with good HCI can be more efficient and safer at work, which can increase productivity and reduce errors and accidents.

Aim: to perform a bibliometric evaluation using Web of Science on Human-Computer Interaction in the Robotics field.

Methods: a bibliometric study was conducted on Human-Computer Interaction in the field of Robotics using the Web of Science database. A total of 592 documents were recovered.

Results: the number of published documents increased gradually from 2 in 1999 to a peak of 79 in 2019, but decreased in 2020 to 30 and in 2021 to 41. The number of received citations also increased over time, with a peak of 547 in 2015, and has decreased in subsequent years. China tops the list with 159 documents and 544 citations, but has a relatively low average citations per document (Cpd) of 3,42 and a total link strength of 8. In comparison, the United States has a much lower number of documents (71), but a much higher number of citations (1941) and a much higher Cpd of 27,34. During the analysis of the terms present in the articles, it can be observed that the term "Human-Computer Interaction" is the most commonly used, with a frequency of 124, indicating that it remains the most frequently used term to describe the discipline.

Conclusions: the findings of this study suggest that Human-Computer Interaction in the field of robotics is an active and constantly evolving research area, with a focus on enhancing usability and user experience through various research techniques and theoretical approaches. These results may be useful for researchers and professionals interested in this field, as they provide valuable insights into recent trends and developments in the scientific literature.


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How to Cite

Chandran R. Human-Computer Interaction in Robotics: A bibliometric evaluation using Web of Science. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1:22. Available from: