Generative Chatbots in the Era of Library 5.0: A Dilemma for Libraries?




Library 5.0, generative chatbots, artificial intelligence, library services, data privacy


Introduction: The advent of Library 5.0 integrates advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and augmented reality to create inclusive and user-centric experiences. 
Objective: This study explored the role of generative chatbots, powered by AI, in transforming library operations within this framework. 
Method: This study employed a narrative review to examine the role of generative chatbots in rendering library services in the disruptive era. 
Findings: Findings revealed that generative chatbots offer personalized, accessible, and efficient services by automating routine tasks, providing resource recommendations, and enhancing user engagement. Their integration aligns with the principles of Library 5.0, which emphasize sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation. However, the adoption of generative chatbots poses challenges, including concerns about data privacy, security, and the risk of over-reliance on automation. 
Conclusion: This paper indicated strategies for integrating generative chatbots effectively, such as robust data protection measures, staff training, and the establishment of ethical practices. It proposed for a balanced approach that leverages chatbots' strengths while preserving libraries' relational and transformative aspects. The findings further indicated the importance of aligning innovation with traditional library values to ensure the continued relevance and accessibility of library services in the digital age.


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How to Cite

Oluchi Emmanuel V, Peter Ameh M, Oladokun BD. Generative Chatbots in the Era of Library 5.0: A Dilemma for Libraries?. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2025 Jan. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];4:157. Available from: