How do technology equipment companies implement new billing strategies?




Business, Educational Technology, Electronic Bill


Objective: assess the implementation of electronic invoicing in technology equipment trading enterprises in Florencia Municipality, Caquetá.

Methods: the research approach is mixed, qualitative due to the implementation of 116 surveys and qualitative due to the development of two interviews with municipal actors from Florencia – Caquetá; likewise, the type of descriptive-explanatory research given to the goal of this piece of research was developed.

Results: 78 out of 116 business persons declared they had implemented the electronic invoicing system, where serious problems were found regarding training and teaching in the use of information and research technologies. In this sense, the interview stated there is resistance to change and a lack of flexibility in technology-related knowledge.

Conclusion: implementing electronic invoicing in technology equipment trading enterprises in Florencia Municipality is strengthening, considering that they have had different kinds of growth and development barriers due to costs and lack of training.


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How to Cite

Hernández Tique D, Puentes Ordoñez JJ, Gómez Cano CA. How do technology equipment companies implement new billing strategies?. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 26 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];1:15. Available from: