More doctors in 280 characters: the Brazilian government, Twitter and the Cuban medical presence
political communication, digital social networks, political discourse, twitter, más médicos programAbstract
The present work aims to analyze the political discourse of the Brazilian government on the More Doctors Program on the digital social network Twitter between August 1, 2018 and August 1, 2019, based on the study of several institutional and political profiles. The research reviews the background of the Cuban medical collaboration, the Brazilian socioeconomic context in which the participation of thousands of Cuban doctors in the More Doctors program took place and the consequences of Cuba's withdrawal from the agreement. Likewise, theoretical assumptions regarding the use of digital social networks in political communication are systematized, with an emphasis on Twitter as a platform for political discourse. To this end, a combination of various scientific research methods and techniques is used, together with the analysis of a sample of 168 tweets. The thesis concludes that the Brazilian government's discourse regarding the program was heterogeneous and changing, that Cuban medical collaboration in Brazil was a historic milestone and that the hostility of Bolsonaro's discourse led to its interruption.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ariel Pazos Ortiz (Author)

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