Hypersexualization on TikTok, a case study by Areli Arechiga


  • Karla Isabella Valladares Amaya Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, México Author




Hypersexualization, social networks, TikTok, commodification, gender inequality


The article analyzed the phenomenon of hypersexualization on the TikTok platform, differentiating it from sexualization and highlighting its impact on the social perception of women. It explained that hypersexualization occurs when the recipients of content highlight sexual traits in women without their consent, a phenomenon that has intensified in the digital age.
It was pointed out that social networks, especially TikTok, have facilitated the expansion of this phenomenon due to their high reach and the massive interaction between users. The platform, initially focused on entertainment, evolved towards a variety of content, including fashion, where content creators are frequently hypersexualized through comments and responses from viewers. It was argued that the social and cultural structure continues to promote the reduction of women to their physical appearance, ignoring other aspects such as their abilities and achievements.
The article also addressed the role of the commodification of the female body in digital media, where hypersexualization becomes a resource for generating visibility and success on social networks. It was concluded that, although the TikTok platform has regulations on child sexualization, there are no specific rules to curb hypersexualization in comments on content generated by adults. Finally, the need for further studies to understand the consequences of this phenomenon and the implementation of stricter regulations to ensure a safer digital environment was proposed.


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How to Cite

Valladares Amaya KI. Hypersexualization on TikTok, a case study by Areli Arechiga. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2024 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 12];3:.65. Available from: https://mr.ageditor.ar/index.php/mr/article/view/65