Levels of technological competence in the use of social networks among teachers in Santa Marta
Social Networks, Education, Information Technologies, Innovation, Availability to Change, PandemicAbstract
Social networks are elements that have had a great reception in the educational context, providing students with the possibility of interaction with each other in real time, both synchronously and asynchronously. Deficiencies in competencies in the management of social networks have an impact on educators with little knowledge in technology and therefore on students with deficits in this area. The factors that influence these types of phenomena may be related to the lack of programs and training by institutions or independently by teachers. The objective was to analyze the levels of technological competence of teachers during the pandemic with respect to the use of social networks in tenth grade. An inductive, non-experimental empirical research was proposed, with a cross-sectional design, in the city of Santa Marta, Colombia, at the El Parque District Educational Institution, focusing on tenth grade. The sample was made up of 15 teachers. A data collection instrument was used, composed of 15 closed Likert-type questions. These questions respond to the exploratory, integrative, and innovative levels that underlie the pentagon of competencies in the causal of technological competencies established by the Ministry of National Education of Colombia. Once the interpretation was carried out, it is appreciated that the hypothesis was refuted and that the instrument achieved its purpose; it was evidenced that teachers do have an adequate level of competencies regarding the use of mechanisms such as social networks. However, training should be carried out with the objective of taking advantage of the tacit potential in these tools, which allows for recommendations not only for implementation with the objective of sharing information, but also for evaluating and monitoring, as well as constant updating by the teaching staff so as not to fall behind technological advances that may take place in the future.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Keguin José González Castro, Narlys Patricia Villalobo Ropain, Matilde Bolaño García (Author)

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