Strategy for improving learning in the Financial Tools and Project Management Course through the use of Second Life-SL




Virtual Education, Second Life, Atlas ti, Ucinet, Learning


This research addresses the difficulty of achieving active learning in financial areas through virtual education. The aim of the study was to evaluate a strategy for improving the learning of the Financial Tools and Project Evaluation (HFEP) course using the Second Life (SL) platform. A mixed research approach was used and data was processed using Excel, Atlas ti, and Ucinet programs. Results indicated that although the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in learning is inevitable, approximately 70 % of students were not familiar with the tool and had never seen a class in a 3D space. However, once they became familiar with SL, 69,6 % of students considered their management level to be low to medium difficulty. Likewise, students associated the use of SL with attitudinal, pedagogical, and technological elements, expressing that it was interesting, entertaining, and novel. Finally, students considered SL to be a very useful tool for the HFEP course, as it allowed them to better understand topics such as project time, budget, and scope. With the pandemic, the use of ICT in teaching processes has spread worldwide, but traditional tools are still the most used. Students are open to new experiences and consider virtual education to be monotonous. One of the challenges of virtual education is to achieve active learning and for the tools implemented in teaching to contribute to skill development. The use of SL contributes greatly to this purpose.


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How to Cite

Gómez Cano CA, Sánchez Castillo V, Millán Rojas EE. Strategy for improving learning in the Financial Tools and Project Management Course through the use of Second Life-SL. Metaverse Basic and Applied Research [Internet]. 2023 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];2:31. Available from: